7 Unexpected Signs Your Body Is Releasing Trauma

Our bodies are remarkable in their ability to store and eventually release trauma, but recognizing these signs can often be challenging. Whether you’re just beginning your healing journey or have been working through trauma for a while, understanding what trauma release feels like and knowing the signs of healing are crucial steps.

In this post, we’ll explore 7 unexpected signs your body is releasing trauma. We’ll also answer common questions: what does trauma release in the body feel like? How do you know your body is healing from trauma? How to remove trauma from the body? What are the physical symptoms of unhealed trauma?

By gaining insight into these aspects, you can better navigate your path to recovery and embrace a healthier, more peaceful life.

This article is all about signs your body is releasing trauma.

signs your body is releasing trauma
signs your body is releasing trauma

Seven Unexpected Signs Your Body Is Releasing Trauma

Releasing trauma can manifest in surprising and often unexpected ways. While some signs are more commonly recognized, others can catch you off guard. Here are seven unexpected indicators that your body is releasing trauma, helping you understand and embrace these unique aspects of the healing process.

  1. Frequent Yawning or Sighing: While often associated with tiredness or boredom, yawning and deep sighing can indicate your nervous system is calming down and releasing stored tension.
  2. Increased Sensitivity to Light and Sound: As your body processes and releases trauma, you might temporarily become more sensitive to sensory stimuli like bright lights or loud noises.
  3. Digestive Changes: Sudden shifts in your digestion, such as increased bowel movements or temporary gastrointestinal discomfort, can signal that your body is letting go of stress and emotional burdens.
  4. Unexplained Itching or Skin Rashes: Some people experience itching or skin reactions as their body releases toxins and emotional stress through the skin, the body’s largest organ.
  5. Spontaneous Bursts of Creativity: A sudden surge in creative energy, such as an urge to paint, write, or engage in other artistic activities, can be a sign that emotional blockages are being released.
  6. Unusual Dreams or Nightmares: Your subconscious mind processes trauma during sleep, which can lead to vivid, unusual dreams or nightmares as your body works through unresolved emotions.
  7. Changes in Body Temperature: Experiencing unexpected fluctuations in body temperature, such as feeling unusually warm or cold, can be a physical manifestation of your body releasing trauma and rebalancing itself.

Understanding these unexpected signs can help you recognize and appreciate the subtle ways your body works to heal and restore balance. Embrace these changes as part of your journey towards a healthier, more peaceful life.

what if feels like to release trauma from the body

Common Questions Regarding Signs Your Body Is Releasing Trauma

What Does Trauma Release in the Body Feel Like?

The journey of healing from trauma is deeply personal and can manifest in various physical and emotional ways. Understanding what trauma release feels like can provide comfort and validation as you navigate this process. Whether you’re experiencing sudden emotional waves or unexpected physical sensations, recognizing these signs can help you make sense of your body’s response and progress. In this section, we’ll explore the different feelings and reactions that may arise when your body begins to release trauma, offering insight and support as you move through your healing journey.

You may experience:

  1. Emotional Waves: Sudden waves of sadness, anger, or even joy can emerge as trapped emotions surface and are processed. I highly recommend having a notebook with you, or your phone to jot down emotions surfacing. It helps with the release process.
  2. Physical Sensations: You might feel tingling, warmth, or coldness in various parts of your body. Some people report feeling a sense of heaviness lifting or a sensation of lightness. You may notice you sweat more even when not active. While others will notice their skin breaking out even. All of these symptoms are normal. If you do feel concerned during this process, it is always highly recommended to contact your physician for guidance.
  3. Muscle Twitching or Shaking: As the body releases pent-up stress and trauma, involuntary muscle movements or trembling can occur.
  4. Crying or Laughter: Emotional releases through crying or laughter can happen spontaneously as the body lets go of deep-seated feelings. If you feel safe to do so, allow yourself to express those emotions. Ride the wave until the end, there might be an epiphany at the end.
  5. Fatigue or Exhaustion: Releasing trauma can be tiring, and it’s common to feel a need for rest afterward. You and your body have gone through something traumatic, it is natural to have the need to rest.

How Do You Know Your Body Is Healing from Trauma?

Recognizing that your body is healing from trauma involves paying attention to both physical and emotional changes. From improved sleep and emotional stability to enhanced physical health and resilience, these indicators can help you gauge your progress and stay motivated. In this section, we’ll delve into the key signs that show your body is healing from trauma, providing you with the knowledge and confidence to continue your path to recovery.

Here are a few indicators:

  1. Improved Sleep: Better sleep patterns and feeling more rested can indicate healing. You may notice that you fall asleep more easily and stay asleep throughout the night. Your dreams might become less disturbing, and you wake up feeling more refreshed and energized. Consistent, restorative sleep is a sign that your nervous system is settling and your body is recuperating.
  2. Increased Emotional Stability: Feeling more balanced emotionally and less reactive to stress is a positive sign. You may find that you have a greater capacity to manage your emotions, with fewer mood swings and less intense reactions to triggers. This increased emotional regulation indicates that your mind and body are integrating past trauma more effectively.
  3. Enhanced Physical Health: Fewer chronic pain episodes, headaches, or other physical ailments often associated with trauma. You might experience less tension in your muscles, a reduction in gastrointestinal issues, and an overall improvement in your immune system. These changes suggest that your body is no longer in a constant state of fight-or-flight and is beginning to function more optimally.
  4. Greater Resilience: Finding it easier to cope with life’s challenges and feeling more optimistic about the future. You may notice an improved ability to handle stress and bounce back from setbacks. This resilience can manifest as increased confidence, a proactive approach to problem-solving, and a more positive outlook on life, reflecting a strengthened mental and emotional state.
  5. Peace and Relaxation: A general sense of calm and relaxation in your body and mind. You might feel more at ease in everyday situations, with a noticeable decrease in anxiety and tension. This tranquility can manifest in a sense of inner peace, a slower and more mindful approach to daily activities, and an overall feeling of being grounded and present.

How to Remove Trauma from the Body?

Removing trauma from the body can be a gradual process, often requiring a combination of approaches. In this section, we’ll explore these methods, offering practical insights and guidance on how to effectively remove trauma and foster a healthier, more balanced state of well-being.

  1. Therapeutic Practices: Engaging in therapies such as EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), somatic experiencing, or trauma-focused cognitive-behavioral therapy.
  2. Mind-Body Techniques: Practices like yoga, tai chi, and qigong can help release trauma stored in the body through movement and breath.
  3. Mindfulness and Meditation: Regular mindfulness and meditation can aid in processing emotions and promoting mental clarity.
  4. Bodywork: Massage therapy, acupuncture, and other forms of bodywork can help release physical tension and trauma.
  5. Creative Expression: Art, music, dance, and writing can serve as powerful outlets for expressing and releasing trauma.

What Are the Physical Symptoms of Unhealed Trauma?

Unhealed trauma can have a profound impact on the body, often manifesting in various physical symptoms that can affect overall health and well-being. Recognizing these symptoms is crucial for identifying unresolved trauma and seeking appropriate interventions. From chronic pain and gastrointestinal issues to sleep disturbances and cardiovascular symptoms, the physical manifestations of unhealed trauma can be diverse and debilitating. In this section, we’ll delve into the common physical symptoms associated with unhealed trauma, helping you to better understand and address these signs on your path to recovery.

Physical symptoms including:

  1. Chronic Pain: Persistent pain, especially in the neck, back, or shoulders, without a clear medical cause.
  2. Gastrointestinal Issues: Problems like IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), stomachaches, or indigestion.
  3. Headaches and Migraines: Frequent headaches or migraines that seem to have no other explanation.
  4. Sleep Disturbances: Insomnia, frequent nightmares, or disrupted sleep patterns.
  5. Fatigue: Chronic tiredness that doesn’t improve with rest.
  6. Muscle Tension: Ongoing tension or stiffness in the muscles.
  7. Cardiovascular Symptoms: Elevated heart rate, high blood pressure, or chest pain.


Healing from trauma is a journey that involves recognizing and releasing stored emotions and physical tension. By understanding what trauma release feels like and knowing the signs of healing, you can better navigate your path to recovery. Utilizing various therapeutic and holistic practices can aid in removing trauma from your body, leading to a more balanced, healthy, and peaceful life. Recognize the physical symptoms of unhealed trauma, and seek appropriate help to address these issues, fostering a more profound sense of well-being.

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