7 Things You Need To Know About Mind Body Healing

Want to know 7 secrets about mind body healing that will completely transform your recovery journey? These are the 7 tested and approved methods you need to know.

mind body healing

Physical and emotional healing is a process that is both invigorating and daunting. If you are anything like me, you are doing all the research you possibly can on mind body healing. As someone who has been on this journey for 16 years, and is also an energy healer and meditation instructor, I am giving you the 7 secrets about mind body healing that will completely transform your recovery.

You will learn what exactly mind body therapy is, mind body healing techniques to practice, powerful subconscious mind healing techniques to try, and the best mind body healing books.

By the end you will know everything you need about mind body healing and be extra prepared for this journey.

This post is all about the mind body healing techniques that will radically change your life.

7 Secret About Mind Body Healing

1. Understanding Mind Body Therapy

So, what is mind body therapy? This is a great question and the best place to start when exploring mind body healing. A simple definition outlined by the National Cancer Institute states that mind body therapy is, “A health practice that combines mental focus, controlled breathing, and body movements to help relax the body and mind.”

According to the National Library of Medicine, “mind body therapies are among the most widely recommended and used form of complementary and alternative medicine.” It’s a series of techniques such as meditation, yoga, and breathwork administered by a train practitioner. There are now scientific studies demonstrating how the mind impacts the body’s protein expression, hormones, neuropeptide systems and more. Stress in particular has even been shown to impact gene expression.

Why is this important? The first secret when it comes to mind body healing is expecting the therapy to work. With studies indicating how the mind impacts the body, it is easier to believe that the therapy you receive or partake in will provide positive results. By holding this expectation, your treatments will be significantly more beneficial.

2. Utilizing Mind Body Healing Techniques

We briefly touched on a few mind body healing techniques in the first section. Here is a list of techniques provided by Science Direct:

  • Hypnosis
  • Breathwork
  • Relaxation
  • Biofeedback
  • Visual imagery
  • Meditation
  • Cognitive behavior therapies
  • Group therapies
  • Expression through art, movement, and sound

Healing techniques are used in healing therapies and administered or taught by a trained professional. The second secret to mind body healing is, it’s a lot easier to incorporate these techniques into your everyday routine that you may have initially thought. Day dreaming is a huge way to reduce stress, relax the body, and utilize visual imagery. 10 minutes of breathwork makes a huge difference in shifting our autonomic nervous system to parasympathetic so our bodies are able to heal themselves.

When these techniques are practiced repetitively, results are far more significant as we begin to rewire the subconscious mind, have the ability to change our biology, and gain more self awareness of our thoughts and feelings.

3. Subconscious Mind Healing Techniques

mind healing techniques

You may have noticed while progressing in your healing journey, you’ve faced internal resistance. Our subconscious mind holds past memories, thoughts, feelings, and wounds. I loved this passage from Harmony Hypnotherapy:

Emotional wounds that are not properly healed fester just as physical wounds would. They morph and grow and commonly manifest in such things as anxiety, lack of confidence or self-worth, addiction, negative self-talk, emotional blocks, lack of motivation, fears, phobias, a deep sense of inadequacy or not feeling good enough, intimacy issues or overly controlling behaviour.

The third secret to mind body healing is that most of the work is bringing the subconscious to light. When we heal those deep internal wounds our bodies change. We are no longer set to fight or flight. We release the burden and the pain of the past, and start making decisions based on self love, self respect, and self nourishment.

How do we heal the subconscious? Here are a few methods:

Self awareness might seem broad, so let’s dive into it a little more. When we slow down, and return to the present moment we can start to feel our emotions. We start to hear the stories we are telling ourselves about the present moment. We begin unraveling our habitual thoughts and perceptions. From there you can write down the common phrases you tell yourself and begin to see how they impact your life.

I would also recommend feeling the intensity of emotions rather than running from them. Emotions remain stuck within the body when we ignore them. Yes, some are overwhelming to process but it will end and you will feel better having faced them.

4. Best Mind Body Healing Books

There are several incredible mind body healing books that explain why and how this method works. I highly recommend diving deeper into studies and knowledge that are published, it gives proof to the mind that this does work, which goes back to the first secret (knowing it is working).

Secret number four is, the brain loves supportive information. It thrives with proof. In fact our brains will do anything possible to make a statement true. Work with this! And supply the brain with supportive information that will benefit your life and journey.

Here are mind body healing books I highly recommend:

5. Cultivating Gratitude That Your Body Can Heal Anything

what is mind-body healing?

Our bodies are self healing. Bones can regenerate after fractures. Skin heals after cuts. Our immune system fights diseases. Occasionally we need medical intervention, but even after surgery and medication, our bodies heal.

Gratitude assists with this phenomenon. I know many people struggle with gratitude because they don’t want to get their hopes up. They don’t want to be disappointed if it doesn’t work. Or we cling to the comforts of the known instead of embracing the unknown. I understand that completely, but what if you knew that gratitude tricks the brain to think it is already done (secret number five).

We often only feel grateful for things that we have. By feeling grateful before the event, it tells the brain it is already done. Remember the brain loves true statements and will make it a reality.

Being grateful also reduces stress, which improves the immune system. Studies show people sleep better, are mentally stronger, and improve self esteem simply by practicing gratitude daily ( Psychology Today).

For the next 30 days, can you commit to being grateful? I created this gratitude sheet to help stay on track and refocus the mind on things to be grateful for.

6. Mind Body Healing Meditation

Meditation has a plethora of health benefits, both physical and mental. The Mayo Clinic lists these to be the top few benefits:

  • Gaining a new perspective on stressful situations
  • Building skills to manage your stress
  • Increasing self-awareness
  • Focusing on the present
  • Reducing negative emotions
  • Increasing imagination and creativity
  • Increasing patience and tolerance
  • Lowering resting heart rate
  • Lowering resting blood pressure
  • Improving sleep quality

I already recommended my favorite mind body meditation earlier in this chapter. However, in case you don’t have an hour to dedicate to the practice, here is another one of my favorites.

The sixth secret to mind body healing is understanding our brain waves. When we are in high beta, hypervigilant, we cannot change our subconscious mind. However, when we meditate or practice breathwork we can lower the brainwaves to alpha and even on occasion to theta. These lower brainwaves are perfect for entering the subconscious mind and reprogramming the messages.

We naturally fall asleep and wake up in theta waves, making them the ideal time to listen to guided self healing meditations, subliminals, or affirmations.

7. Mind Body Therapies

Last but certainly not least, mind body therapies. As mentioned earlier mind body therapies utilize the healing techniques to cultivate a practice administered or taught by a trained professional. Examples are:

  • Accupuncture
  • Aromatherapy
  • Breathwork
  • Cognitive Behavior Therapy
  • EMDR
  • Hypnosis
  • Massage therapy
  • Meditation
  • Somatic Therapy
  • Sound Healing
  • Qigong
  • Reiki
  • Tai Chi
  • Yoga

From personal experience, every BODY is different and will benefit from different methods. I highly recommend trying several to see what works for you. Within the first few sessions, you will intuitively know if it is a fit.

Secret number seven, you are worthy of investing time and money into yourself so that you can live the life you truly desire.

This post was all about Mind Body Healing

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