How To Feel Safe After Trauma Even If You Are New To Healing

Experiencing trauma can leave deep emotional scars, making it difficult to reclaim a sense of safety. If you’re new to the healing journey, you might feel overwhelmed and unsure of where to begin. It’s okay, you’re not alone, and it’s entirely possible to find peace and security again.

In this article, we’ll explore practical steps to help you feel safe after trauma, offer guidance on how to support others feel safe, and provide tips on how to feel safe in your body. Whether you’re just starting out or looking for additional strategies, this guide is here to support you every step of the way.

This article is all about how to feel safe after trauma.

how to feel safe after trauma
how to feel safe again

How to Feel Safe Again

Feeling safe again after trauma may seem overwhelming. You may question, “How can I feel safe after knowing what is possible in this world?” It’s natural to be scared to drop your guard, fearing it might happen again. These are natural emotions and feelings. This process is just that—a process of slowly and gently lowering your guard over time when you feel you have the support and comfort to do so. Here are some helpful suggestions to start the journey:

  1. Acknowledge Your Feelings:
    It’s important to recognize and accept your emotions without judgment. Suppressing your feelings can prolong your distress. Allow yourself to grieve, be angry, or feel scared—these are natural responses to trauma.
  2. Seek Professional Help:
    A therapist specializing in trauma can provide invaluable support. Therapies such as EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy), and somatic experiencing can help process and alleviate trauma.
  3. Build a Support System:
    Surround yourself with people who make you feel safe and understood. Friends, family, or support groups can provide a sense of belonging and security. Overtime, you’ll be able to drop your guard a little bit more with their support and care.
  4. Create a Safe Environment:
    Make your home a sanctuary. Yes, that means candles, cozy blankets, pillows, plants, and happy art. But it also can mean extra locks on doors, installing security systems, or simply arranging your space to feel more comforting and less triggering.
  5. Practice Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques:
    Activities like meditation, deep breathing exercises, and yoga can help calm your mind and reduce anxiety. These practices teach you to stay present and grounded. Check out these restorative yoga poses that will help.
  6. Gradual Exposure:
    If certain places or situations trigger your trauma, gradually expose yourself to them in a controlled and safe manner. This can help desensitize your fear response over time. Please only do this under the guidance of a trained therapist and support team.
how to make someone feel safe after trauma

How to Make Someone Feel Safe After Trauma

Supporting a loved one who has experienced trauma is a powerful way for them to receive extra support through their recovery journey. You might wonder how best to help them feel secure and understood during such a vulnerable time. The key is to approach with compassion, patience, and an open heart. Trauma can leave individuals feeling isolated and fearful, and your support can make a profound difference in their healing journey. Please note, that while you may want to support their journey, their recovery is only effective if they are willing to do the deep healing work.

Here are effective ways to help someone feel safe again, offering practical steps to provide comfort, reassurance, and stability as they navigate their path to recovery.

  1. Listen and Validate:
    One of the most powerful ways to help someone feel safe is to listen to them without judgment. Validate their feelings and experiences when appropriate to do so.
  2. Offer Consistent Support:
    Be there for them regularly. Consistency helps build trust and a sense of reliability, which is crucial for someone recovering from trauma.
  3. Respect Their Boundaries:
    Understand that they may have new or heightened boundaries. Respect these limits and allow them to take the lead in what feels comfortable for them.
  4. Encourage Professional Help:
    Gently encourage them to seek therapy or counseling. Offer to help them find a therapist or accompany them to appointments if they need support.
  5. Provide Reassurance:
    Remind them that they are not alone and that their feelings are valid. Affirm their strength and resilience.
  6. Help with Practical Needs:
    Sometimes, the aftermath of trauma can make everyday tasks feel overwhelming. Offer to help with things like grocery shopping, cooking, or driving them to appointments.

How to Feel Safe in Your Body

How to Feel Safe in Your Body

Reconnecting with your body after experiencing trauma can be one of the most challenging aspects of the healing process. Trauma can create a sense of disconnection or even hostility toward your own physical self. However, feeling safe in your body is a crucial step toward holistic recovery. It’s about gently rebuilding trust and comfort with your physical being. In this section, we’ll share practical tips and techniques to help you regain a sense of safety and grounding within your body, empowering you to feel more at peace and in control.

  1. Reconnect Through Movement:
    Physical activities such as yoga, tai chi, or simple stretching can help you reconnect with your body in a gentle, non-threatening way.
  2. Practice Grounding Techniques:
    Grounding exercises can help bring you back to the present moment. Techniques include pressing your feet into the floor, holding a comforting object, or focusing on your breath.
  3. Engage in Self-Care:
    Taking care of your body through regular sleep, healthy eating, and exercise can improve your overall sense of well-being and safety. Here are more ways to practice self care.
  4. Body Scanning:
    A body scan meditation involves mentally scanning your body from head to toe, noticing any areas of tension or discomfort. This practice can increase body awareness and relaxation.
  5. Safe Touch:
    Sometimes, gentle, non-invasive touch can help. This could be self-massage, hugging a pet, or receiving a massage from a trusted professional.
  6. Therapeutic Techniques:
    Therapies such as somatic experiencing and trauma-sensitive yoga focus on the body’s role in trauma and can help you feel more grounded and safe in your own skin.

Final Thoughts

Healing from trauma is a deeply personal journey that takes time, patience, and support. By taking steps to feel safe again, making others feel safe, and reconnecting with your body, you can gradually rebuild your sense of security and well-being. Remember, it’s okay to seek help and take things at your own pace. Your journey to reclaiming your peace is uniquely yours, and every small step forward is a triumph.

If you or someone you know is struggling with trauma, reach out to a mental health professional for support. You deserve to feel safe, whole, and empowered once again.

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